Training for you who take personnel issues seriously
For an efficient and healthy working life
We believe that employees who feel good create successful businesses. We believe that people feel good about working in efficient businesses. We believe in a working life where there is room for everyone. Such jobs are created by profitable companies. Therefore, everything belongs together: profitability, efficiency, work environment and health. From that faith are born our educations and conferences. We offer training, open and tailored, in the subjects personnel economics, rehabilitation, leadership, working hours, psychosocial work environment and labor law.

Diploma & Certificate
We are first with the latest in our conferences! Every year, Metodicum organizes a number of conferences on current topics. The focus is always on how the employer is affected by new laws, proposals and bills or developments in society. Annually recurring are Metodicum rehab days. It deals with the latest developments in rehabilitation and social insurance together with current research and good examples. Our conferences are also excellent opportunities to make contacts. Diplomas are sent through TRUE which secures the information and preserves it as genuine. Click to see the diploma in its entirety.